A perfectly square image with a background of grey/navy. Red image of drone, basic. Capital letters in white over drone: ADC.

Chamber of Commerce Member

Aguathuna Drafting & Consulting Co.

Indigenous Owned
3a Neptune Drive, Stephenville, NL, A2N 3X8
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About us

Aguathuna Drafting and Consulting Company Ltd. (ADC) is a licensed and permitted, by PEGNL, Engineering company in Newfoundland and Labrador, with its head office located in Port au Port East, NL, Canada.The company’s focus is on municipal engineering, civil engineering and drone RTK & thermographic services. To help complete predesign analyses and to monitor construction progress, ADC has been using Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (drone) since 2016, to create aerial orthomosaic images, photogrammetry surveys, topographic maps and thermographic infrared surveys.Professional solutions using drone 4K/HD Cameras and Thermography:Aerial Thermal Inspections are the best non-invasive way to inspect hard-to-reach places or assets that are above ground. With an drone being much more cost effective compared to other manned aircraft, being able to utilize this revolutionary technology for asset inspections needs has never been easier.